Brian McNamara

Brian McNamara is the Associate Director & Professor of Practice for the John Lewis Public Administration Program at Tulane University. He Joined the School of Professional Advancement in May 2021 after serving 25 years in the U.S. Coast Guard. He led teams for operations in Southeast Louisiana and gained legal expertise in various roles, including marine safety and casualty investigations. Brian's background as a prosecutor and defense counsel earned him a court-martial judge appointment from 2017 to 2020. He started as a Deck Watch Officer, patrolling fisheries and countering narcotics operations. Brian also taught at the Maritime Law Enforcement School and has published several articles for the Loyola Maritime Law Journal and the Tulane Maritime Law Journal. 

Challenges in Submersible Maritime Law

The collapse of the Titan submersible has sparked inquiries into maritime regulations. Admiralty law, governing sea activities, faces a dilemma with emerging submersibles that do not fit the conventional ship definition.

The U.S. Coast Guard leads the inquiry into Titan's loss en route to the wreckage of the RMS Titanic, along with the National Transportation Safety Board under the Coast Guard's Marine Board of Investigation.

Legal specialists in maritime law anticipate potential lawsuits from families of the deceased Titan passengers. Yet, complications might arise from waivers signed by passengers. The outcome of legal actions remains uncertain in terms of location and process. McNamara speculates, "I think it remains to be seen, ultimately, whether this incident will cause major changes in maritime public policy because this type of fact pattern remains very unique."